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Sunday, April 14, 2024



 Iran's attacks against Israel were condemned internationally

Various countries in the world have condemned Iran's attacks against Israel on Saturday night, warning that these attacks threaten to further destabilize the security situation in the Middle East region.

US president Joe Biden has promised to provide Israel with any necessary aid after holding an emergency meeting with its top security officials.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has condemned the attacks, which he called "reckless", which he said risk provoking tensions and destabilizing security in the region. Sunak has emphasized that once again Iran has shown that it is willing to start chaos in its land.

An Israeli F-15 fighter jet preparing to fly to destroy drones launched by Iran

EU foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell said the strike was an "unprecedented escalation and a serious threat to regional security" in a message on X.

United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres

United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres has condemned the major attacks launched by the Islamic Republic of Iran against Israel. Guterres is concerned about the risk of the conflict spreading throughout the region, calling on all sides to avoid any action that could lead to a major military confrontation in the Middle East.

Read also: Iran launches hundreds of drones, missiles towards Israel

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has warned that the attack will have a big impact and called on Tehran to stop the action immediately. Baerbock has said that they condemn the ongoing attack that could plunge the entire region into chaos, while adding that Berlin will stand firm with Israel.

Calls from every corner of the world

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cairo has expressed its great concern due to the increase in hostilities and called on all parties to exercise restraint. the ministry's statement also warned of the risk of a regional conflict spreading, and that Egypt will communicate directly with all parties to this conflict to try to control the situation.

on the other hand, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia has issued a statement also expressing its concern following the increase in military confrontations and calling on all parties to exercise restraint at a high level and avoid the area and its people from the danger of war. Saudi Arabia has continued by encouraging the United Nations Security Council to take its responsibility to maintain peace and security around the world.

China's foreign ministry has also called on all parties to exercise restraint, calling the attacks "the latest result of the Gaza conflict" and urging the implementation of the recent UN Security Council resolution calling for a cease-fire and stressing that " the conflictit must be stopped now".China has called on the international community, especially influential countries, to play a productive role for the peace and stability of the region.

Also read: Iran seizes Israeli ship despite Biden's warning

The French Foreign Minister, Stephane Sejourné, said: "Iran deciding to take such an unprecedented step, shows that the country has reached a new level in its acts of breaking the peace and is now facing the risk of increasing military confrontation".

similar calls have also been made by leaders from Spain, Canada, Russia, Argentina and even Ukraine. The NATO defense community has also condemned Iran's attacks against Israel.

Israel should praise its defensive success

The spokesman of the Israeli IDF, Daniel Hagari, said today that Iran launched more than 300 missiles and drones, but it has managed to destroy more than 99 percent of themhas said that several long-range missiles reached Israel and caused damage to the air force base.

.Iran carried out this attack yesterday Saturday, less than two weeks after an attack thought to be carried out by Israel in Syria and killed two Iranian generals in the building of the Iranian consulate in Damascus.

Also read: Biden will warn Iran not to attack Israel

It is the first direct military attack by Iran against Israel despite decades of tension since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

Italy, which currently holds the rotating presidency of the group of seven industrialized nations (G7), has called a meeting via video on Sunday afternoon to discuss Iran's attacks on Israel.

Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani has said he hopes that the Israeli government will restrain itself in its response and that US President Joe Biden has promised that the G7 group will provide a coordinated diplomatic response following the drone and missile attacks.

Members of the United Nations Security Council are also set to meet later on Sunday after Israel asked the Council to condemn Iran's attack and push for Iran's Revolutionary Guards to be recognized as a terrorist group

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