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Thursday, March 14, 2024

Romantic relationships can be established without intending to


You may be surprised, but it is a fact that there is a very high possibility of establishing and developing relationships with anyone regardless of their appearance, behavior and beliefs. in this article we explain the natural principles that guide the relationships of two people who often meet randomly.

along with the belief that the best relationships are possible by meeting the right person, we are told by relationship experts that any woman can have a relationship with any man in peace if each of them will be 'motivated' to know the needs of their partner and respond accordingly.

but before I explain more, let me remind you of the three main things we saw in the article on the theory of relationships and love, which are what start relationships in the sense of making two people fall in love. Those things are:

1) Romantic feelings or lust. Although desire is very powerful in starting relationships, it cannot sustain those relationships for long. The basis of these romantic feelings is physical nature.

2) Friendship or closeness that creates an environment for two people to be emotionally close. we saw that the basis of this closeness is how the emotional needs of the partner are recognized and answered regardless of whether the friendship is based on desires or decisions and this is the basis of decisions.

3) Commitment decisions. although for many the intention to maintain a relationship comes from the first two, sometimes, those decisions happen to be the source of budding friendship and feelings as it was for our elders in the past. This is the highest level of relationship.

now, although a relationship can develop anywhere between desire, friendship and decisions depending on the beliefs, attitudes and culture of the parties, what is more important is what happens after the relationship is established to make it continue. in this article we will further explain the important conditions to take the relationship forward as we promised.

How relationships begin

Usually, a relationship begins when one person is attracted to another either emotionally or physically. that is the very first stage of relations which depends on two main issues.

First of all, it is proximity, propinquity. we are told that, when two people find themselves without even expecting it in an environment of closeness, whether by working together in the same office, worshiping in the same place, studying in the same place or living in the same street, it increases the possibility of one of them being attracted to the other and thus starting a relationship.

studies confirm that the more you meet someone, whether by seeing or hearing them frequently, the more likely you are to like them and that usually, we are not attracted to things we do not know closely, including people. in other words, the more you meet someone, the more you find yourself increasing your evaluation of liking them.

On the other hand, this proximity increases the possibility of matching certain things such as beliefs and attitudes and thus increases proximity. For example, young people who meet in church regularly for worship, apart from increasing the possibility of attracting each other, but also increases the possibility of those people having similar beliefs, attitudes and interests. These three are the catalyst for the attraction that builds romantic communication.

by following the rules, it is possible to relate to anyone happily. The second factor that starts relationships is physical attraction. Here we are talking about beauty, height/shortness, thickness/thinness, whiteness/blackness and so on. Now, beauty is relative. people differ in the way they interpret beauty depending on culture, upbringing, beliefs and other factors. And sometimes, a person's beauty also depends on other 'facilitators' such as clothes, decorations, the way he talks, the way he looks and so on.

In any case, most of us believe that someone with good looks automatically has a good personality and personality. We have a habit of associating visible beauty with invisible beauty. It is a kind of stereotype based on upbringing. that a good person has a good character which makes us want to relate to people we consider good.

.however, we are told, despite the fact that many people desire to build relationships with people with good physical appearance, they often end up building relationships with people whose attractiveness matches their own. You find yourself relating to someone who is somewhat similar to you. that is to say, those who wish to relate to certain people with certain levels of beauty, find themselves relating to ordinary people like them.

Unfortunately, body image plays a big role in the early stages of a relationship and lasting relationships are not based on attraction as I will explain in the next few paragraphs. but with its problems, the beauty of the look and shape has its own chance, just big, to make a person get involved in relationships.

Things that promote new relationships

relationship experts tell us, after a person is attracted to someone, it is normal for that person to make efforts to attract that person by trying to create a positive image so that he is attracted to him. The four main principles that help two people to become emotionally close, so that they can relate without friction, tranquility, are as follows:

Usually, people build relationships with those who make them feel good, i.e. who make them feel rewarded. and the better a person feels, the more attracted they are to you. On the contrary, it feels like a burden and thus increases the possibility of relationships going forward. For example, a woman feels good when she is with someone who makes her feel good and important as we have seen.

people have a habit of giving you what you give them, so a person who shows interest in us, makes us feel attracted to him and want to spend more time with him. We feel tired when we love someone who doesn't love us. Therefore, a person loves more the one who loves him.

people with similar beliefs, attitudes and positions love each other more than those who have different beliefs, attitudes and positions. Similarity coupled with physical attraction, begets attraction, and that attraction begets likeness. however, researchers say, there are genetic differences that usually stimulate mutual attraction. For example, a speaker feels attracted (reinforced) by someone who can listen to him and not the one who wants to speak like him.

Trusting the person you are attracted to makes them attracted to you. this depends on the level of emotional security you have and the same level of security he has. Being emotionally insecure means either not trusting yourself, not trusting others or both, which greatly affects relationships. you can read more in this previous article. But in short, an insecure soul, fails to trust and thus reduces the attraction of another.

Now can you relate to anyone?

The answer is yes. studies prove that it is possible to relate to anyone who can make you feel your emotional needs and cause you to identify and respond to their emotional needs as we have seen in previous articles. just to summarize, we are talking about how a man makes a woman feel loved, and thus have the motivation to make the woman make the man in question feel powerful.

as we have seen before, closeness with someone who is not attractive to you can arouse feelings of attraction as you see him and the way that person can seem to understand and respond to your emotional needs. we are told, the look you can call ugly, when accompanied by efforts to identify and understand your emotional needs, attitudes and beliefs similar to yours, which make you feel good, then, step by step, the 'ugliness' of the look you saw before, disappears and turns into beauty .

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